Work With Us

I believe your home should be a place you love, even if it’s not perfect or not your forever home. My goal is to share our projects, ideas, and how-tos with my readers and hopefully encourage them to make their home a place they love. I don’t know how to do it all, but I love sharing my knowledge and experience as well as learning new skills along the way!

I would love to hear your partnership ideas to create amazing content for my readers. Here are some examples of the ways I have partnered with or am willing to partner with brands, and I am open to new ideas too!

Instagram Reels

Sponsored Posts

Sponsored Travel

Social Media Campaigns (I’m active on Instagram, Pinterest, TikTok, and Facebook)

Brand Ambassadorship

Affiliate Marketing

Event Appearance and Live Social Sharing

Facebook LIVE Video

Speaker Engagements

Video Creation

TV Brand Representation

Instagram Takeovers

If you would like to collaborate in any way, or for more information on any of the above, including current availability and rates, please email Angie at howwedo208 @ gmail . com {please remove the spaces}.