How to Clean Paintbrushes: Tips for Keeping Your Brushes in Top Shape

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Learn how to clean paintbrushes easily with our step-by-step guide. Keep your brushes in top shape for all your DIY projects.

Cleaning paintbrushes might seem tedious, but it’s essential for every DIY enthusiast. Properly maintained brushes last longer and give better results. Clean brushes also make your painting projects smoother and more enjoyable. Plus, cleaning them is easier than you think! Let’s dive into the process and keep those brushes in top shape.

Keeping your tools clean ensures you’re always ready for your next painting adventure. Clean brushes mean better paint application and a more professional finish. Neglecting this crucial step can lead to hardened bristles and ruined brushes. By following our guide, you’ll extend the life of your brushes and get the best results in your projects. Read on for our simple, friendly guide to paintbrush maintenance.

No more struggling with dried paint and stiff bristles. Our tips will make the cleaning process quick and efficient. You’ll be surprised at how easy it is to keep your brushes looking and performing like new. So, let’s take the hassle out of cleaning paint brushes. With the right tools and techniques, you can enjoy painting without worrying about the cleanup.

Supplies for Cleaning Paintbrushes

How to Keep Your Paintbrushes Clean

  • Remove any excess paint from your brushes/rollers. For brushes, use the paintbrush comb to remove excess paint by running the comb through the bristles from base to tip. For rollers, use the paint roller scraper to scrape off excess paint back into the paint can.
  • Rinse the brush or roller under warm water to remove as much paint as possible. Use your fingers to work the water through the bristles or roller nap.
  • Fill a bucket with warm water and add a few drops of mild dish soap. Swirl the brush in the soapy water, working the soap through the bristles. For rollers, squeeze soapy water through the roller using your hands.
  • Use your brush cleaning tool for thorough cleaning. For brushes, use the paintbrush comb to comb through the bristles, removing any remaining paint. For rollers, use the roller scraper to ensure all paint is out.
  • Rinse the brush or roller under warm water again. Repeat the washing process if necessary until the water runs clear.
  • Shake out excess water and use paper towels or rags to blot the brush or roller. Reshape the bristles and hang the brush or roller to dry completely.


  • Clean brushes and rollers immediately after use to prevent paint from drying on them.
  • Use a brush spinner for quick and efficient drying.
  • Store brushes hanging or flat to maintain their shape.
  • Avoid soaking brushes for long periods to prevent damage to the handle and bristles.
  • Use vinegar for stubborn paint residue on synthetic brushes.

Can I use the same cleaning method for oil-based and water-based paints?

No, you need to use different cleaning methods for oil-based and water-based paints. For water-based paints, clean your brushes with warm, soapy water. For oil-based paints, you’ll need to use a solvent like mineral spirits or paint thinner. Make sure to rinse thoroughly and let the brushes dry completely before using them again.

How do I remove dried paint from brushes?

To remove dried paint from brushes, soak the bristles in a mixture of warm water and mild dish soap for several hours. Gently work the paint out with your fingers or a paint brush comb. For stubborn paint, use a small amount of mineral spirits or a dedicated brush cleaner. Rinse thoroughly with warm water and reshape the bristles before drying.

How often should I clean my paintbrushes?

You should clean your paint brushes after every use to maintain their quality and extend their lifespan. If you’re taking breaks during a single project, wrap the brush well in a plastic bag, plastic wrap, or tin foil and place it in the fridge. This will keep the paint wet and save you from having to clean it until you’re done with the project. Otherwise to keep it from drying out, always clean it thoroughly at the end of your project. Regular cleaning prevents paint from hardening in the bristles, ensuring your brushes stay in good condition and ready for your next painting session.

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