Installing wallpaper in your home is a simple DIY project that you can easily do in a day. With this step by step guide, you will be hanging wallpaper in minutes!

How to Wallpaper
Wallpaper adds so much style and character to any room, but most people are pretty intimidated when it comes to installing wallpaper on your own. These step by step instructions are just what you need to give your space the character that you have been looking for!
For more step by step DIY projects be sure to follow us on Instagram at @howwedo208!
Is Wallpaper easy to install?
Yes! Installing wallpaper is easier than you think. I chose to use peel and stick wallpaper for this project!

Getting Materials
When it comes to any project you want to make sure you have all the supplies you have on hand. You don’t want to start your project only to realize you don’t have all the tools that you need.

Supplies Needed for
- Wallpaper – be sure to buy overage
- Wallpaper smoother or squeegee
- Straight edge (taping knife, wallpaper smoother, etc.)
- Exacto knife/utility knife
- Measuring tape
- Pencil
- Level
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Step By Step Guide To Installing Wallpaper
- To begin installing your wallpaper, you will want to mark a plumb edge line where your first panel will line up. Measure the width of your wallpaper panel.
- Starting on an inside corner measure out from the corner that width minus an inch or so. So if your roll is 24 inches, measure about 23 inches from the corner of the wall.
- Using your level, draw a plumb line from the top of the wall all the way to the floor. Wall corners are rarely plumb, so this ensures that your wallpaper stays straight while you are hanging it.
- Start a few inches from the top of the wall and peel the back of the wallpaper and line it up with the pencil line you have drawn. You want to be sure that you have at least a few inches of excess wallpaper at the top to account for the wall and ceiling being crooked as you straighten out the wallpaper in the next steps. I used Anewall Wallpaper which I highly recommend.
- Use your smoother, or squeegee, to smooth out your wallpaper as you go. Peel a little bit of the backing off as you move down the wall. Smooth down and towards the sides of your first piece.
- Once your first piece is smoothed, take your straight edge, or taping knife and place it in the corner of the wall then use your Exacto knife to cut a straight edge across the entire length of the paper.
- Line up your second piece of wallpaper right next to the one you just laid, lining up the pattern. With this particular paper, the panels overlap slightly. Some wallpapers do not have any overlap between panels. Ultimately be sure to line up the pattern. Be sure to leave at a few inches at the top to account for any crooked wall issues.
- As you peel the wallpaper be sure to do it in small sections and smooth up, down, and to the side that does not have wallpaper.
- Once this section is laid, trim the top and bottom with your straight edge and cut with an Exacto knife.
- Continue this process until you have wallpapered your entire desired space.
- When you reach your final corner or doorway, use your straight edge and Exacto knife to make a nice clean crisp edge.
To see the entire process of Wallpapering, be sure to see our Wallpaper Story Highlights on Instagram! And see our whole laundry room reveal right here where you can even check out our pink DIY Modern barn door!
Tips for Wallpapering

- Always start on an interior wall corner.
- When cutting wallpaper, use a straight edge and an Exacto knife or utility knife to cut nice clean edges. Be prepared to switch out the blade frequently as the paper dulls it pretty quickly.
- I have found it’s easier to trim as I go, but you can save all your trimming for the end.
- Remove the wallpaper backing slowly and in only small sections at a time. This gives you a manageable amount of wallpaper to work with as you go.
- Be sure to run your smoother (or squeegee) on every square inch of wallpaper. Don’t push too hard though or the paper will stretch. Smooth your wallpaper away from the already laid pieces on the wall.
- Be sure you order enough wallpaper. Oftentimes you will need more wallpaper than wall space. This helps plan for the overage that you need. This is especially true if you are trying to line up patterns.
- Hanging wallpaper isn’t hard, but it is easier with an extra set of hands, so consider asking a friend for help.
There you have it! How to install wallpaper! If you like video tutorials be sure to watch the entire wallpapering process on Instagram. Be sure to tag me on Instagram in your finished projects so I can see how amazing they turn out! #howwedoandyoucantoo