Learn to transform your floor tiles into a stunning checkerboard pattern with our easy step-by-step guide on how to paint checkerboard on floor tiles. Discover preparation, painting, and sealing tips for a durable and stylish finish. Perfect for DIY enthusiasts!

Painting a checkerboard pattern on your floor tiles is surprisingly straightforward when you use tub and tile paint, which is known for its low odor and durability. The added hardener in this paint ensures a hard finish that’s resistant to scratches, making it an ideal choice for high-traffic areas.
Not only is this approach quick, easy, and affordable, but it also promises an impressive update to your floors. I’ve personally used this same brand, DWIL, on projects like my painted countertop and sink in the bathroom and the fridge I painted, all of which have held up marvelously.
Step-by-Step Tutorial: Painting Your Floor with a White and Dark Grey Tile Effect
Materials Needed:
- Baseboard remover tool
- Floor cleaner
- White Paint Kit (Comes with everything you need)
- Dark grey paint kit (comes with everything)
- Floor clear top coating kit (comes with everything):

- Remove Baseboards: Carefully use the baseboard remover tool to detach the baseboards from around the room. This prevents them from getting paint on them and allows for a cleaner paint line at the floor’s edge.
- Sand the Floor: Perform a light scuff sanding on the entire floor. This roughens up the surface slightly, allowing the paint to adhere better.
- Clean the Floor: Ensure the floor is immaculately cleaned. Any dust, dirt, or grease can prevent the paint from adhering properly and can affect the finish or get stuck in the paint.
Painting Process:

- Mix White Paint with Hardener: Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for mixing the hardener with the white paint. The hardener will help the paint cure stronger and more durable.
- Apply First Two Coats of White Paint: Paint the entire floor with white paint, using a roller for even coverage. Allow at least 2 hours of dry time between the first and second coats. Ensure the room is well-ventilated during this process.
- Third Coat for Select Tiles: Once the second coat is dry, apply a third coat of white paint, but only on the tiles that will remain white. This additional layer will give the white painted tiles full coverage and enhance the durability and finish.
- Tape Off for Grey Tiles: After the third coat is completely dry, use painter’s tape to mark off every other tile that will be painted dark grey. Ensure the tape is firmly pressed down to prevent paint bleed.
- Mix and Apply Grey Paint: Mix the dark grey paint with its hardener. Paint two coats (or more if necessary) on the designated tiles, allowing at least 2 hours of dry time between coats.
- Switch Tape for Remaining Tiles: Once the grey paint is dry, remove the tape. Then tape around the remaining tiles that need to be painted grey. Repeat the painting process for the remaining tiles that need to be grey with two coats of paint.
Finishing Touches:
- Touch-Ups: After all tiles are painted and the tape is removed, do any necessary touch-ups to ensure a clean, sharp look.
- Topcoat Application: Wait at least 24 hours for the paint to dry thoroughly before applying the topcoat. Mix the topcoat with the hardener and apply it to the entire floor. Wait at least 2 hours before applying a second coat.
- Curing: Avoid getting the floor wet for at least 48 hours. The floor will be ready for light use after 48 hours. Allow a full 7 days for it to cure completely before returning to normal use.

This method will transform your floor into a stunning patterned surface that’s both durable and stylish. Remember, patience and attention to detail are key to achieving a professional-quality finish.
If you’re looking for more painted floor ideas, I stenciled this vinyl floor a few years ago to look like tile!