Are you searching for a quick way to transform your dull, outdated bathroom? Hoping to inject some instant style into your everyday space? Or perhaps you desire to add a touch of elegance that complements your overall design. Look no further! This straightforward project is the solution you’ve been seeking, and believe it or not, it involves those ordinary white toilet levers. The best part? It only takes approximately 5 minutes. Allow me to demonstrate how you can replace a toilet handle with a personalized option that enhances your unique style and elevates your entire design.
How To Replace A Toilet Handle

Supplies for Toilet Handle Makeover
How To Replace A Toilet Handle With Style
- Start by removing the lid of the toilet tank.
- Unhook the chain inside from the existing lever.
- Unscrew the nut (in the opposite direction you normally would).
- Remove the plastic white lever.

- Grab your metal lever, and remove the red clip to easily remove the arm from the lever.
- Unscrew the nut in the opposite direction you think it would be.
- On the back of the metal lever, locate the square. That will be where you slide the lever right into the front of the toilet.
- Once in place, tighten the nut, again in the opposite direction.
- Reattach the arm, making sure to lock it in with the clip.

- Pay attention to the angle you set it at. *See below.
- Attach the chain, making sure that it is not too loose or too tight to allow the toilet to properly flush, as well as refill with water once you have flushed.
- The arm should not hit the tank lid when you do flush, so adjust the angle as needed.
Why Replace That Standard White Toilet Handle?
To be honest, it is not necessary at all. You and I both know those standard handles work just fine… but are they pretty? No, they are not. And changing one out for something with a little more class can really help enhance the overall design you have for your bathroom. And it is a budget-friendly and time-friendly project. Not to mention, several of you have said that white plastic toilet handles break so easily, so changing it with something a little more secure just makes sense!

What is the Best Angle to Set Your Toilet Handle?
There are a few angles you can set it. Typically you want it set pointing downward at a 30-degree angle. This is best for the proper function of the toilet. And we all want our pretty new toilet handle to function, right? Also, remember that you do not want your arm to hit the tank lid once it is placed back on top. That would be no bueno.
Which Finish Do You Like Best?
So many options to choose from my friends! 10. Ten. I will say it again. TEEEENNNNNNN!!!!! Be sure to check them all out. So if the gold bronze is not your style, that is just fine. Be sure to get the Metal Toilet Handle that will take your bathroom decor to the next level just by saying goodbye to that boring old white handle. Hello, classy bathroom!
Why would anyone ever want a boring old bathroom toilet handle again? You can’t tell me this doesn’t increase the style level. “Goodbye piece of plastic,” and, “Hello Metal Makeover!” Be sure to check out my How To Replace A Toilet Handle video tutorial on the entire process. And don’t forget to tag me on Instagram in your finished projects so I can see how amazing they are! #howwedoandyoucantoo
Check out some of the other projects I’ve done in this bathroom!