Discover the step-by-step journey of transforming an old fireplace into a modern, efficient heating solution with this pellet stove installation guide. Learn essential tips and safety advice for a successful home upgrade.

Pellet Stove Installation Guide
In this guide to installing a pellet stove, I will show you how we transform an outdated fireplace into a cozy, modern heating source. I’ll take you through each step, from demolishing the old hearth to carefully placing the stove, all while ensuring safety and efficiency.
Whether you’re a DIY enthusiast or just curious, this installation guide offers practical tips and insights into making your home warmer and more inviting with a pellet stove. Let’s make your space a little cozier together!
First Steps in Our New Home
When we first set foot in our new house, we were greeted by a relic of the past: a dated brick fireplace. A testament to the 1970s. The fireplace, having withstood the test of time (including a chimney fire back in 1988), was in dire need of an update. The previous owners, tired of the wood-chopping routine, had already removed the old wood stove, leaving behind a space begging for transformation.
The Demolition Phase
Our mission to modernize began with demolishing the existing fireplace hearth. This task proved to be a strenuous effort. It involved the removal of layers upon layers of brick, rock, dirt, gravel, and cinder blocks. But with determination, we cleared the way for a new beginning.

Laying the Foundation for Pellet Stove Intallation
Drawing on his masonry experience and utilizing leftover stone from a similar project at our ranch house, my husband Chad skillfully laid new stone over the original brick fireplace surround. Then, he framed a new hearth using 2x4s and OSB, topping it with carefully selected hearth stones. Step by step, our vision was taking shape.

Installing the Pellet Stove
With the groundwork laid, it was time for the main event: installing the wood pellet stove. We chose this particular pellet stove model because it’s good-looking, the size was a good fit for our fireplace area, and it has the ability to heat up to 2,800 square feet, which is about the size of our home.
Fortunately, our home already had a chimney in good condition, simplifying the process. We did, as you can see, start over and lay new support beams and hearth stones. However, we faced a challenge. The chimney pipe was 8 inches in diameter, while the pellet stove’s exhaust port was smaller.

Adapting the Chimney
To bridge this discrepancy, we used an 8-inch to 4-inch reducer, connecting a 4-inch piping kit to the chimney. Ensuring proper alignment, we added a 45-degree elbow double wall pipe out of the back of the stove.
Setting the Stove
Our pellet stove was heavy, demanding a three-person team to carefully lift and position it on the hearth, taking care not to damage or scratch the stones. Adjustable feet on the stove’s bottom helped us achieve a flat and level placement on the naturally slightly uneven hearth stones.
Team Effort and Safety Measures
The installation was a team effort. My father-in-law, with his background as a chimney sweep and experience in installing pellet stoves, offered invaluable assistance. Chad, who had helped his father clean chimneys as a kid, brought his own expertise to the table.
Safety First
A crucial reminder for anyone considering a similar project: safety is paramount. Always have your chimney inspected before installation. If possible, enlist someone experienced in installing pellet stoves. Read and follow the installation instructions specific to your pellet stove model, and don’t hesitate to consult online videos or hire professionals from a pellet stove retailer.

I could not be happier with how this project turned out! Transforming an outdated fireplace into a modern, efficient pellet stove was a rewarding journey. Not only did it enhance the aesthetic appeal of our home, but it also added a reliable and cozy heat source for the colder months. With the right tools, guidance, and safety precautions, such a project can be a fulfilling endeavor for any homeowner looking to upgrade their heating system.
Want to see the whole process from start to finish? Check out the Pellet Stove Story Highlight on Instagram!
If you’d like more information on how to install stone, be sure to read this step-by-step guide to installing stone. Stay tuned for the next project in this space!