Ready to give your bathtub a major makeover? This wood bathtub accent wall may be just what you have been searching for! It is quick and easy to do and elevates your tub to a whole new level.

A while back, I showed you all my kids’ Hawaii bathroom makeover, and since then, I have been getting tons of messages about how I did the bathtub accent wall. Well, good news! I am going to show you just how easy it is to do this bathtub accent wall in a weekend.
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Supplies for Bathtub Accent Wall
- Table saw
- Sandpaper
- Craft boards
- Flexible polyurethane composite molding
- Gel Stain
- Polyurethane or Polycrylic
- Silicone
- Gorilla adhesive Glue
- Caulk Gun

How to Do a Wood Bathtub Accent Wall
- To begin, you will want to rip down the boards to the correct width for the project. You can buy different size boards, so this step might not be necessary if you find the boards the correct size.
- You will want to give each of the boards a light sand after you cut them so the edges are smooth.
- Since I won’t be painting or staining the boards for this project, I am coating them with several coats of polyurethane. The poly dries quickly, so you can do several coats in a day, if you choose to. I used 5 coats on the fronts, sides, and backs. Polyurethane helps seal and keep them waterproof. A must for this bathtub accent project.
- When it comes to your top molding, you can paint it or stain it with a gel stain which you will want to do before adding it to the tub.

- You don’t want to cut your craft boards the height of the tub; you want to cut them a bit shorter because a horizontal piece of molding will sit on top of them. So you will measure the height of the top of the bathtub minus the height of the molding, which will then equal the height of each board. Subtract about ½ inch more as well because you want the moldings to sit below the tub just a touch.
- Once you have measured, you want to cut all your craft boards to the correct length.
- After the cutting is complete, it is time to add them to the tub. Start at the corner and work your way to the other edge of the tub. I am using Gorilla max strength adhesive. Because of the shape of my tub, my boards will not be flush all the way from top to bottom. So I am putting adhesive on the top and a few other spots on the boards. Be sure to put the boards as close to each other as you can.

- When you get to the last piece of the bathtub accent, if it does not fit, use your table saw to cut it down to the right size.
- Add the flexible molding to the top with the adhesive glue.
- Add a bead of clear silicone designed for bathtubs along the top of the flexible molding where it meets the tub. Also add clear silicone at the bottom of the flexible molding where it meets the the vertical boards, in between each board from top to bottom, and at the bottom of the boards where they meet the floor.
- And then for some extra protection, add a few more layers of poly.

Tips, Tricks, and FAQs
- Be sure to have the boards and the molding sit just slightly below the tub when you are doing your measuring and cutting.
- Polyurethane is a must for this project. The boards will be ruined if you do not use it because of the moisture from the bathroom.
- When staining your flexible molding, you must ensure it is a gel stain.
Will the wood near the tub get ruined?
The top molding is made of polyurethane composite material that will not absorb moisture and is perfect for humid environments. It will sit below the tub. I have also sealed each board with 5 layers of polyurethane. I used a bathtub/shower silicone sealant to seal everything as well. It should be safe and well-protected.
There you have it! How to do a bathtub accent wall. Check out my video tutorial on the entire process. Be sure to tag me on Instagram in your finished projects so I can see how amazing they are! #howwedoandyoucantoo